

Silicon Carbide is produced by heating silica sand and a carbon source, typically petroleum coke, to high temperatures in a large, open Acheson furnace. The result of this high temperature process is the crystalline formation of Silicon Carbide grains, of both Green and Black coloring. The color difference is due to the purity of the silicon carbide, green SiC being higher purity due to its closer proximity to the heat source of the furnace.
Woxin offers both Macro and Micro grit sizing. Our Silicon Carbide is offered in standard FEPA sizes, custom particle sizes, custom densities, and custom chemistries.

Green Silicon Carbide Marco Grit

Green Silicon Carbide Mirco Powder





Grits Available:

Bonded Abrasives F16 to F220, F240 to F2000, JIS#240 to JIS#10000
Coated Abrasives P16 to P220, P240 to P2500
Refractories 1-0mm, 3-1mm, 6-3mm, 100F, 220F, 325F...

Sizing is done according to ISO standard. Other standards like GB, JIS, FEPA or ANSI available. Lump, group size, special sizes available. Metallurgical grade or other special grade silicon carbide, like 60%, 80%, 85% SiC.
For more details, pls contact us.

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